Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MS150 recap

Okay - I know the ride was almost a month ago, but there have been some intervening activities you will find out about as I go.

My MS150 ride this year was good, but it beat me up a little more than last year - I think there were two reasons. One, was that there was an unusual headwind blowing about 20 mph for nearly the whole course. The other was that I didn't do nearly as many rides during the week this year as last year, so I ended up with just a little less stamina than I had the last time around.

But, unlike last time, I was well-prepared in the food department and I packed appropriately for the weather (which was cold at night and in the morning).

The thing that probably concerned me the most was the number of cyclists who met the pavement unintentionally. I saw 6 or 7 cyclists on the road - and believe me, it wasn't intentional. I think maybe the MS150 is just too big for it's own good, or the people just are trained enough to be safe out there.

LaGrange was good. I got out a bit to see the rest of the fairgrounds and the town this year. I slept really well Saturday night in my 25 degree rated sleeping bag.

I can say I was truly annoyed by the music selection on Saturday morning (I could see a college fight song or two -- but OVER and OVER and OVER?). It was as if they had only two CDs.

I set a new personal speed record of 41 mph going downhill on the hill right before the State Park. I had to brake for someone on the way down (which I must say irritated me, but I'd rather be safe than sorry).

Of course, the best bit of the ride again was the State Park. I shifted early and didn't drop my chain, although I did misgear an early hill and had to clip out. The rest of it was just joyous, as I tried to maintain my speed through the hills, with some success.

After the ride was over, I was ready to do another one - but I was set to go on vacation.


randi said...

Hello. I just found your blog while searching for GF food recommendations for the MS150. I'll be riding it in MN next weekend and was wondering if you could give me some recommendations on food to bring. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to pack. My e-mail is randiwoodward@gmail.com.


Iron Celiac said...

Well, I can tell you what I ate. The first year I did the MS150, I brought far too much food. I guess what they say about "packing your fears" for a trip is true. I was concerned I'd need to come up with all the calories.

You can probably count on all the aid stations having bananas and oranges. What you can't count on is lunches and dinners - which are probably sandwiches and or food of "uncertain origin".

What I did for the first day this year was I made and packed PB&J on GF bread in my jersey (in a couple of baggies) - Yummy. I included some (very expensive GF) pretzels for the carbs and salt. On board, I had eload and emend to start. I had some Access energy bars "on board" the bike with some shot blox for variety. My goal was to forage at the rest stops, and I picked up bananas, oranges, chips, gatorade and soda along the way.

In my overnight bag, I packed a GF recovery drink, pouched tuna and salmon (to supplement some protein with my planned baked potato and blue bell ice cream dinner). You may have to work with your team or plan something there. For breakfast, I had packed rice cereal (FYI - Rice Chex is now made with molasses and is GF - and widely available) with peanuts and raisins. Eggs and bacon would've been good, but the team I was with didn't provide. Day two was a lot shorter, so I had ate pretty much the same food the next day and then had some good eats for dinner on the way home and at home.