Friday, September 18, 2009

Revisited Soccer Last weekend

When I was in high school and college, I really loved the sport of soccer. I haven't played hard for a long time, until last week. Our church put together a festival for the Hispanic festival and I signed up. Fun.

Of course, the next day, I found muscles that I hadn't used in a long time. Still fun.

Yesterday, I made sure I took my first opportunity to get a flu shot -- not the swine flu one, just the seasonal one. It always knocks me back a step, but I figure it is good insurance against something worse, especially around race time. I was feeling a little bummed lately that I've been pretty distracted and my training has suffered, but my wife pointed out that I am well ahead of schedules from previous years, when I haven't been nearly as serious. That made me feel better.


Kendra said...

Hi Michael, I'm considering raising funds for a celiac organization for my upcoming triathlon. How did you pick NFCA when you decided to do the same?

Iron Celiac said...

I firmly believe in the awareness mission of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness and have been impressed by their dedication and effectiveness.

Kendra said...

Hi Michael, Thanks for the info. I signed on to raise funds for NFCA too, through the Janus Charity Challenge for Ironman Florida!