Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Top Five Impacts on Celiac Awareness

This blog is about increasing awareness for Celiac, so I thought I would name my top five in what I consider to be most important for raising Celiac diagnosis rates and Celiac awareness generally in the last 10 years.

#1. The phenomenal growth of diagnosed celiacs - a self-feeding loop
#2. Celiac Consensus Meeting @ NIH - moved many doubters away from complacency
#3. Elisabeth Hasselback story and book - mass appeal
#4. Establishment of National Foundation for Celiac Awareness - first organization specifically focused on awareness to the exclusion of other activities
#5. Heidi Collins named NFCA spokesperson, cuts Public Service Announcement - brought star power and attention to the cause.

Blog post inspired by the survey at Savvy Celiac.

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