Sunday, July 5, 2009

Celiac 4x more prevalent in current Army recruits

I spotted this very interesting celiac article on Web MD. For some, currently unknown, reason, celiac disease antibodies were four times more present in current army recruits than those of the 1950s. This would imply that environmental triggers are to blame, which would imply we can figure out a way to decrease incidence of the disease, even in those cases where people were genetically predisposed.

It reminds me of the studies that showed the optimal time to introduce gluten to infant's diet. I wonder if the Mayo Clinic has checked for changes in that?

The other, more disturbing, finding, was that undiagnosed Celiacs of that era were four times more likely to die than the population at large. If that were to hold true to today's numbers... (Four million undiagnosed Celiacs four times more likely to die...). It is scary to think about and just confirms that it has never been more urgent to raise awareness.

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